By purchasing 5 cards at once, the price is reduced from $6 a card down to just $5 each. This is a pack of 5 greeting cards created with prints of my original spiritual paintings featuring mandalas. About the Greeting Cards: * Each card is a handmade card on white/cream card stock (depending on stock). Raw cards are available on request. * The prints are printed onto Epson Matte paper using a quality epson photo printer and then mounted onto the cards. * The prints are mounted onto a 6" x 4" white/cream card. * Each card has stitching around the print using white cotton (see image). * Each card will be shipped in a plastic sleeve for protection and comes with a matching envelope. (Envelope colour may vary from image depending on availability. However, the selected colour will compliment the colours in the print). (c) Belinda Joynes - All Rights Reserved.
Mandala - PACK 5 Greeting Cards